
For enquiries regarding collaborations, prints
or just to say “hi”, please send me an email to:

I’m currently based in Berlin but happy to travel around!

verónica losantos

In my artistic practice, I explore the intersections between photography, memory, and identity. My work exists in the tension between personal experiences and collective memory, often through the lens of photographic archives, material traces, and everyday objects. I am particularly interested in how stories and meanings are passed down, transformed, or lost over generations.
Photography is, for me, a medium of reflection, a tool to penetrate and make visible both inner and outer worlds. Through my work, I question the ways in which we construct visual narratives and how they influence our understanding of identity. I approach photographic techniques playfully and experimentally, combining analog and digital methods to create new layers of meaning.
My artistic work is strongly rooted in research and engagement with theoretical approaches from history, philosophy, and art history. These reflections flow into my projects, which often have a dialogical character and invite the audience to question their own experiences and memories. As part of my artistic practice, I also engage with the concept of participatory art, creating spaces where viewers are actively involved in interpreting and transforming stories.

M work has been exhibited internationally and I have received several awards as the Talents 36 by C/O Berlin; the Young Art Prize La Rioja 2020, the Kunstpreis Fotografie Berlin Brandenburg Lotto 2016 and the Foro PHOTOESPAÑA - Comunidad de Madrid "Hacer” to name a few. I have also been finalist of the Kassel Photobook Dummy Award and the European Photography Award among others. In early 2020  I finished a Masters Degree in Photography & Design at the FH Bielefeld and I’m now living and working in Berlin.

present: Art Mediator & Lecturer in Photography and Art
2022-2023: Postgraduate Degree - Certificate in Cultural Education / Wetek Berlin & Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
2022-2023: Lecturer for Photography Design Projects, Rhein-Waal University
Since 2022: Art Mediator at Haus Bastian & Museum for Photography Berlin
2020-2022: Curator Assistant for Moritz Neumüller
2020 & 2021: Coordinator of the Book Market & Curator of the Open Call for self-publishers for Photobook Week Aarhus
2018-2020: Art Mediatior at Marta Herford Museum
2016-2020: Master of Arts in Photography & Design at FH Bielefeld
2018: Photo Editor Intern at Zeit Magazin
2018 Erasmus Programme at MOME - Moholy Nagy University of the Arts, Budapest
2015-2017: Lecturer of Photography & Global Learning Workshops for the Society for Humanistic Photography Berlin
2010-2013: Photography studies, Lette Verein, Berlin
2003-2007: Audiovisual Communications & Media Studies at the Burgos Universitiy, Spain
Workshops & Seminars with Cristina de Middel, Andrea Grützner, Clemens Ascher,  Linn Schröder, Juanan Requena, Lola Guerrera, Daniel Mirer, Christine Erhard, Ute Noll, Hans Gremmen, Boris Eldagsen, Felix Koltermann &  Gerhard Westrich among others.

awards & grants

Fotoslovo Award Honourable Mention 
PICE Mobility - Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
Shortlisted Snap Collective 
Photobook Award Encontros da Imagem 2022 Finalist
Stiftung Kunstfonds Neustart Kultur Grant
Winner Lumínic Festival
Selected Photo Wien Photobook Award Exhibition
Shortlisted Les Boutographies
Shortlisted Charta Dummy Award
Shortlisted Revela-T festival 
Shortlisted Meitar Award for Exellence in Photography, PHOTO IS:RAEL
Finalist Kassel Dummy Award 2020
Selected Portfolio Review Emergentes at Encontros da Imagem Festival
Selected Portfolio Walk Deutsche Fotografische Akademie
Selected for Dienacht Curating Hub * Leipzig digital exhibition, Germany
Selected for the Artist Residency with Antoine D'Agata at Studio Vortex, Arles, France
Selected for Art Photo BCN Portfolio Review, Barcelona, Spain
La Rioja Young Art Prize winner
Erasmus + Grant 
DAAD HAW.International Scholarship
Promos Scholarship
Finalist Kassel Dummy Award 2018 
FH Bielefeld Scholarship
Shortlisted for Athens Photo Festival
BFF Förderpreis 2018 finalist
European Photography Award 2017 finalist
Foro PHOTOESPAÑA - Comunidad de Madrid "Hacer" winner
PA-TA-TA Festival Photographic Itineraries winner
Art Photo Bcn Photography Festival Portfolio Review CFD Exhibition Prize winner
"Kunstpreis Fotografie Berlin Brandenburg 2016" winner
"EINBAHNSTRAßE" Photography Contest of the Spanish Embassy Berlin, winner group project
Portfolio Review, European Month of Photography Berlin honourable mention
"Utopia, Insurrection, Traffic Jam" Photography Contest finalist, European Month of Photography Berlin
"Terminal" Photography Contest by PhotoWerkBerlin shortlisted, European Month of Photography Berlin
Europäische Monat der Fotografie-Off Berlin finalist
"Talents 36" Photography Contest by C/O Berlin, winner
Close Up! Photography Contest by C/O Berlin, 2nd Prize
IHK Berlin Photography Contest winner

solo exhibitions

Espacio Artevaca, Viniegra de Abajo, Spain
TADAH, Antalya, Turkey
Lumínic Festival, Sant-Cugat, Barcelona, Spain
Premio de Arte Joven 2019 - Instituto Riojano de la Juventud, Logroño, Spain
PHOTO IS:RAEL, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Dienacht Curating Hub * Leipzig, Germany (online exhibition)
Encontros da Imagem Festival, Braga, Portugal (projected exhibition)
European month of Photography Berlin, Pavlov’s Dog, Berlin, Germany
Outono Fotográfico Festival, Ourense, Spain
CDF Barcelona, Spain
European Month of Photography Berlin, Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin, Germany
PHOTOESPAÑA, Madrid, Spain 
Kunstpreis Fotografie Berlin Brandenburg, Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte, Potsdam, Germany
PA-TA-TA Emerging Photography Festival, Granada, Spain
Darmstädtder Tage der Fotografie, Darmstadt, Germany
Talents 36, C/O Berlin, Germany
Monat der Fotografie OFF Berlin, Pony Royal Gallery, Berlin, Germany

group exhibitions

AVA, Cape Town, South Africa (Upcoming)
KA Atolye, Ankara, Turkey
Projektor HAWK, Berlin 
Revela-T festival, Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona, Spain
Cadavre Exquis, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
ArtPhotoBcn, Barcelona, Spain
Encontros da Imagem Festival, Braga, Portugal (projection)
Imago Lisboa Photo Festival, Lisboa, Portugal (projection)
Werkschau, FH Bielefeld, Germany
Narrazioni Sospese Exhibition, Studio81, Mantua, Italy
European Photography Award, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Italy
Tête, Berlin, Germany
Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Frankfurt, Germany
Begira Photo Festival, Durango, Spain
UPHO Photography Festival, Espacio Cienfuegos, Málaga, Spain
"Einbahnstraße", Spanish Embassy Berlin, Germany
FRIDGE Exhibition, Entretempo Kitchen Gallery, Berlin, Germany
"Der Greif: Guest Room - Katrin Weber" Galerie F5,6, Munich, Germany
"Der Löffel raubt den Winterschlaf", World in a Room, Berlin,  Germany
"Utopia, Insurrection, Traffic Jam" at Fotopioniere, European Month of Photography Berlin, Germany
"Terminal" Exhibition, PhotoWerkBerlin, European Month of Photography Berlin, Germany
Epilog2013, Abschlussaustellung Lette-Verein, Berlin, Germany
Contact Photography Festival, Toronto, Canada
Close-Up! Photography Contest, C/O Berlin, Germany
Aufnnahmezustand Exhibition, Freies Museum Berlin, Germany
Berlin Unhinged Festival, SO36, Berlin, Germany

book exhibitions

Photo Wien
Charta Dummy Award, Rome, Italy
PHOTO 2021 International Festival of Photography, Melbourne, Australia
Singapore International Photography Festival, Singapore
Angkor Photo Festival & Workshops, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Photoireland, Dublin, Ireland
NOKS Art Space, Istanbul Photobook Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
Fotograf Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
Photobook Week Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
Organ Vida International Photography Festival, Zagreb, Croatia
FotoBookFestival Kassel, Dummy Award 2020, Kassel, Germany
Photo Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
FotoBookFestival Kassel, Dummy Award 2018, Kassel, Germany
Triennal of Photography, Hamburg, Germany
PHOTOESPAÑA, Istituto Europeo di Design, Dummy Award 2018, Madrid, Spain
FotoLeggendo, Officine Fotografiche Roma, Rome, Italy
Organ Vida International Photography Festival, Zagreb, Croatia
Photography Seminar Litauen, Nida, Lithuania
Internationale Photoszene Köln, Cologne, Germany
Photobook Week Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
Zentralbibliothek im Kulturpalast Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Leipzig Book Fair, Leipzig, Germany

publications & features

The Routledge Companion to Photography, Representation and Social Justice
Lumínic Festival
, Catalogue
Revela-T festival, Catalogue
Cadavre Exquis, Catalogue
Zeit Magazin
AMERICAN B, by Paripé Books
Kunstpreis Fotografie Berlin Brandenburg, Catalogue
The Idea List
Arte a un Click
i-D Magazine
"Screen Memories" Catalogue by Kehrer Verlag & C/O Berlin
Berlin Amateurs
Emerge Magazine Printausgabe "01 Migration"
Arte a un click "Mujeres mirando Mujeres"
"Guest Room - Katrin Weber" by Der Greif
GUP Magazine

& Süddeutsche Zeitung, Zeit Online, Tagesspiegel Online, Berliner Fenster, Chrismon Verlag, Berliner Zeitung, Berliner Wirtschaft Magazine, Zitty Berlin Magazine, Don't take pictures among others.


LACMA - Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Luminic Festival
Photo Museum Maribor
C/O Berlin


Co-Curator of Projektor HAWK, Berlin
Design Project Photography Exhibition, Rhein-Waal University, Schirrhof, Kamp-Lintfort
Photobook Week Aarhus Open Call, Aarhus, Denmark
The Curatorship, online exhibition & contest
Photobook Week Aarhus Open Call, Aarhus, Denmark


2022 - 2023
Lecturer at Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kamp-Linfort, Germany
Art Educator at Museum for PhotographyHaus BastianStaatliche Museen zu Berlin , Berlin, Germany
Photography workshops at Berlin School of Photography, Berlin, Germany
2018 - 2020
Art Educator at Marta Herford Museum, Germany
Photography workshops for refugee teenagers, Angekomen in Bielefeld e. V., Germany
Workshop "Reinventando a Chorrojumo", PA-TA-TA Festival, Granada, Spain
"Bridge the Gap" project with german and refugee teenagers, Gesellsschaft für Humanistische Fotografie, Berlin, Germany
"Discovering the school" Workshop , Klinikum Westend, Berlin, Germany
"Me, the others and my other self" Workshop, Klinikum Westend, Berlin, Germany
"Bilderbotschaften", Workshops about Photography and Global Education, Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie, Berlin, Germany
"Bilderbotschaften", Workshops about Photography and Global Education, Gesellsschaft für Humanistische Fotografie, Berlin, Germany


Photobook Klub, Gelegenheiten, Berlin, Germany
Luminic Festival, Barcelona, Spain
Revela-T Festival, Barcelona, Spain
Analogue NOW Festival, Berlin, Germany
Beyond the Ring, Berlin, Germany
European Month of Photography Berlin, Pavlovs Dog gallery, Berlin, Germany
Talents 36, C/O Berlin, Germany


TADAH, Antalya, Turkey
Studio Vortex with Antoine D’Agatha, Arlés, France


Since 2022: Unbinding Histories
Since 2021: Gelegenheiten e.V.

all rights reserved © verónica losantos, 2022