“Archaia” selected finalist of the Photobook Award Encontros da Imagem 2022
Exhibition from 16.09. until 30.10.2022 at Galeria do Paço (Braga, Portugal)

Winner of the Lumínic Festival Open Call 2022 / Exhibition 11.06-17.07.22 at EMD Valldoreix

My work "Shimmer" from my project "Archaia" has been selected to be sold at

You can buy it now online here
Thanks to Calin Kruse for selecting me!
next exhibition at Revela-T Festival

from the 18th September to the 12th October 2021 in Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona, Spain
My project „Archaia“ has been shortlisted for Les Boutographies 2022!!

artist talk: I will be presenting my #photobook #dummy "Archaia"! The event is part of the @analoguenow photography festival and there will be other artists also presenting their books. Come by, it will be fun!
Venue: Lückstr 72/73, Berlin

“Archaia” shortlisted for the CHARTA DUMMY AWARD

I’ve curated the Open Call for Self-Published photobooks for Photobook Weer Aarhus 2021

After receiving more than 100 works from all over the world and a difficult selection process due to the high level of quality, here is the list of books that will be exhibited during our PWA Book Market on 17 October 2021 in Godsbanen, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Amorphous Writings, Eeva Hannula
- Antimanifesto, Roberto Aguirrezabala
- A Spectacle of Ugliness, Nikola Lorenzin
- Carta Branca, Guilherme Bergamini
- Spinebone Soup and Stuffed Rabbits, Ksenia Yurkova
- Deuxième saison, Mathilde Mahoudeau & Lucas Castel
- Entropia, Gianluca Micheletti
- Glowing Eyes, Sophie Allerding
- Imaginary Islands, Lotta Törnroth
- Interlude, Britta Baumann
- Isbjørn, Lars Dyrendom
- La Fortezza, Luca Aimi
- Noema, Michael Swann
- Oxomo, Carlos Paz
- Quatre Mains/Zonder Handen, Stephanie Lamoline
- Safari, Marta Ladokhina
- Siberian Exiles, Claudia Heinermann
- State of Matter / Matter of State, Mario Zamora
- The Ditch, Emanuel Cederqvist
- The Fifth Generation, Esther Gabrielle Kersley
- The untangled tales, Michelle Piergoelam
- The Yoshida dormitory Students’ History, Kanta Nomura
- Vinnytsia Limbo, Lia Dostlieva & Andrii Dostliev
- While I was waiting, Julia Autz
- You Always Cry Twice When You Go to the South, Nik Erik Neubauer
Thanks to all applicants and congratulations to the selected artists!!
30 Photographers, 413 Days + a yet unknown photo series!
Friday 16. July 2021
7 PM vernissage
8 PM the disclosure of the photographs
Saturday 17.07.2021 11:00 - 19:00
Sunday 18.07.2021 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 16. July 2021
7 PM vernissage
8 PM the disclosure of the photographs
Saturday 17.07.2021 11:00 - 19:00
Sunday 18.07.2021 11:00 - 19:00
online exhibition: Void Collective

What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Burnt Norton, TS Eliot
‘Always Present’ is an online exhibition that brings together the work of 25 contemporary artists. Featuring photography, video, objects and printmaking; the works on show centre around themes of identity, remembrance and the transient nature of images.
From familial histories to memory loss, hand gestures to flying children, the works on show cover a broad range of creative responses and highlight how our past is always caught up in the present, and projecting itself into the future.
From April 29th 2021
Point to one end, which is always present.
Burnt Norton, TS Eliot
‘Always Present’ is an online exhibition that brings together the work of 25 contemporary artists. Featuring photography, video, objects and printmaking; the works on show centre around themes of identity, remembrance and the transient nature of images.
From familial histories to memory loss, hand gestures to flying children, the works on show cover a broad range of creative responses and highlight how our past is always caught up in the present, and projecting itself into the future.
From April 29th 2021
ARCHAIA - the photobook dummy is here!!!
-Shortlisted Kassel Dummy Award 2020
-Proyected exhibition at PHOTO IS:RAEL 3 - 21.11 Tel-Aviv, Israel
-Selected Portfolio Review Emergentes at Encontros da Imagem Festival
-Selected Portfolio Walk Deutsche Fotografische Akademie
-Online exhibition at Dienacht Curating Hub * Leipzig - Online
-Projected Exhibition at Encontros da Imagem Festival 11.09 - 31.10, Braga, Portugal
-Selected for the Artist Residency with Antoine D'Agata at Studio Vortex, Arles, France
-Selected for Art Photo BCN Portfolio Review, Barcelona, Spain
-La Rioja Young Art Prize Scholarship winner
artist talk at Beyond the Ring
Friday 17th of May, 8:30 pm
Walterstraße 30, 12051 Berlin
Admission free / donation welcome
The talk will be held in English
For a place, RSVP to Ethna:

next exhibition: Open Studio Weekend AR_29
AtelierEtage AR_29
opening times:
Sat. 17.11.18, 14 – 20 Uhr
Sun. 18.11.18, 14 – 18 Uhr
Alt-Reinickendorf 28-29
Industriehof 2. O.G.
13407 Berlin

new feature at Zeit Magazin nr. 38 September 2018:

selected for the BFF FÖRDERPREIS 2018

new publication: AMERICAN B by Paripé Books
For this book, me and another 79 artists reinterpreted photographs from an american photography archive from the 50s & 60s.
Get it now in pre-sale here

next exhibition: "Screen Memories" at Outono Fotográfico Festival, Ourense

Exhibition: 4.11.17 - 30.11.17
Casa Da Xuventude (Espazo Xove)
Rúa Celso Emilio Ferrero, 27
Ourense, Spain
next exhibition: "Screen Memories" at Narrazioni Sospese, Studio81, Mantua, Italy

*14.10.17 - 18.11.17
via G. Romano 81
Mantua, Italy
Thu-Sat 16.30h - 19.30h
Finalist European Photography Award

*13.07.17 - 06.08.17
European Photography Award Exhibition
at Fondazione Fotografia Modena
via Giardini 160, Modena, Italy
Opening: 13th July, 18.00h

I'm giving a Workshop at PA-TA-TA Emerging Photography Festival Granada
"Reinventing Chorrojumo"
*24th June from 12.30h till 20h
at La Ampliadora
c/ Verónica de la Magdalena nº31
18002 Granada
Book here

*04.05.17 - 30.06.17
"Screen Memories" Exhibition
at CFD Barcelona
Carrer d'En Fontrodona, 31
08004 Barcelona, Spain
Opening: 4th May, 20.00h.
"Strategies" Exhibition at Tête Galerie, Berlin, from the 10th-12th February 2017

"Talents 36" Exhibition at Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation from the 16th November till the 27th of January 2017

Selected for the EMOP Berlin European Month of Photography festival

Exhibition from the 1st till the 16th of October at Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin
Selected for Begira Photo 2016

"Arbolada" Group Exhibition 20th October - 13th November, Durango, Spain
Selected for Foro PHOTOESPAÑA - Comunidad de Madrid: Hacer

Winner of the CFD Barcelona Exhibition Prize at Art Photo Bcn

Selected for the European Month of Photography Berlin

Selected for PA-TA-TA Festival - Itinerarios Fotográficos

Selected for UPHO Photography Festival - Exposición Identidad y Familia at Espacio Cienfuegos

Selected fot the Art Photo Bcn Festival Portfolio Review

Winner of the "Kunstpreis Fotografie Berlin Brandenburg 2016" with the series "Screen Memories"

Selected for the "Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2016" Photography Festival

"Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2016"
Opening 22. April 18h
Exhibition 23.-24. April 11-18h
Osthang Mainhall
Olbrichweg, Darmstadt
"Screen Memories" solo exhibiton at C/O Berlin from the 6th of February till the 24th of April 2016

Talents 36 . screen memories
Verónica Losantos / Anja Schürmann
“And a human is called human because he forgets, because he suppresses. And because he enthuses and fortifies, because he warms when telling a story”. Herbert Grönemeyer
Birthdays, visits from relatives, baptisms, first day at school, holiday trips, last day at school – photo albums canonize special family events to collective narratives and visualize individual life stories. They are an affirmation of one’s own origins, important props for memories and breathe new life into long-forgotten incidents. However, what happens when a crucial protagonist is missing from this narrative – one’s own father? How does his absence influence one’s own childhood memories? Can one create the absent photographs of him in retrospect? And can one revive memories through visual reenactment? Verónica Losantos has no photos from the time she shared with her father and the absence of these photographs prompts her to fill the gaps in her memory herself. With her artistic appropriation, reconstruction and association of the past, Verónica Losantos reveals the fleetingness and lack of definition inherent in the act of remembering.
In her series “screen memories” Verónica Losantos stages three kinds of pictures: She photographs memories that she has of the time with her father. Then she produces photos that she knew her father had photographed himself back then or also photos that portray him. Finally, she completely reinvents memories and creates a past that does not exist. She stages and imagines new situations with her father – a conscious simulation or manipulation of the contents of memory. Yet what is true, what is fictive? These three artistic approaches are not specified and are combined in her work in such a way that the viewers are left to decide themselves which kind of memory they are looking at.
Interestingly, the moments and situations that Verónica Losantos simulates are not the classic highlights of a family album but so-called screen memories. According to Sigmund Freud, these “screen memories” are slips of the memory: In memories of childhood that are recapitulated actively, it is not necessarily the “significant” things, but rather the “insignificant” ones that come to mind. Screen memories are triggered by two conflicting forces – one of them attempts to remember the important incident while the other tries to suppress it as a form of protection.
The two forces do not cancel each other out but instead produce a “memory compromise”. It is not the significant incident that becomes the recollected image, but an element that is strongly linked to it associatively, something that could have happened before or after, whose relevance forms a seemingly strong contrast to the emotion-driven memory. The memory is hence to some extent shifted into the association.
Verónica Losantos` photographs are analogue – hence they have a special colour, a similar aesthetic. The analogue edits are much more raw as there are no pixels but instead grains and scratches. At the same time, there is not always the same sharpness. The imperfection of the texture is inherent to analogue photography. The real prints and the fixation in materiality are a reference to the process of development, the appearance of the photograph. Verónica Losantos not only shows how we remember through the selection, the perspectivity or the arsenal of images but also through the format of her photos, which for her represent different presences within the memory.
Verónica Losantos, born 1984, studied audiovisual communication and media at the University of Burgos and the Lette Verein in Berlin. In 2013 she won the 2nd prize of the Close Up! photography competition held by C/O Berlin. Her works have been exhibited in Freies Museum Berlin, the gallery World in a Room, the Contact Photography Festival in Toronto and in the gallery f5,6 in Munich. She is currently working as a freelance photographer in the field of education at the Society for Humanistic Photography. Verónica Losantos lives in Berlin.
Anja Schürmann, born in 1978, did a PhD in art-historical image descriptions as a scholarship holder of the DFG graduate research training group “Bild-Körper-Medium“ (image-body-medium) at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe. Since 2009 she has been a research assistant at the Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf and also works as a freelance author –for numerous exhibition catalogues and for HANT – Magazin für Fotografie, among others. Anja Schürmann lives in Düsseldorf.
Partner Deutsche Börse Group
Supporter Goethe-Institut . Grieger . DruckConcept . Dinamix
Media partners Monopol . rbb kulturradio . rbb inforadio . TIP Berlin . Mit Vergnügen
EINBAHNSTRAßE Group Exhibition at the Embassy of Spain Berlin

Opening: 26.November at 19h
Exhibition: 26. Nov - 22.Jan
Embassy of Spain
Lichtensteinallee 1,
10787 Berlin
(Eingang Thomas-Dehler-Straße)
My fridge Portraits for the FRIDGE Exhibition at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery, Berlin

Entretempo Kitchen Gallery and berlinerpool e.V. have initiated a collaboration through the year 2015 that will materialize in a curated project with artists of the network and a cooperation in the Berlin Food Art Week (BFAW), FRIDGE.
A series of site-specific portraits of our consumer society with a pop aftertaste. A digestive metaphor of the way we produce, present and appropriate images of culture and a culture of images today. Following the formula you are what you consume, dictated by the market(ing) and advertising industry, “the fridge” – an utilitarian object, stands in this project as a household pedestal of human desire, camouflaging the wishes, excesses and anxieties of a society that fluctuates between the paradox of the more and the less. Mirrored realities inside a mechanically reproduced question: What are you hungry for?»
Works from Anaísa Franco (BR), Boris Eldagsen (DE), Vanessa Enríquez (MX), Beth Dillon (AU), Stephanie Hannah (DE), Stephan Halter (DE), Malte Barsch (DK), Stephan Gross (DE) and Stefano Cassetti (IT)
FRIDGE Photography series by Verónica Losantos
Curated by Paz Ponce for berlinerpool with artists of its network and hosted by Entretempo Kitchen Gallery.
Opening: 24th of April, 7pm
Exhibition: 25.04-24.05
Entretempo Kitchen Gallery
Senefelderst. 29 – 10437 Berlin
Opening hours Tue-Fr 10h-15h – or on appointment
My picture from "You are (not) alone" selected for "Der Greif - Guest Room: Katrin Weber"

my picture from "You are (not) alone" selected for "Der Greif - Guest Room: Katrin Weber" will be exhibited in the Galerie F5,6 in Munich from the 26th of March and published by Der Greif.
Katrin Weber is the director of Galerie f5,6 in Munich. The gallery specializes in the exhibition and sale of modern and contemporary photography and represents emerging as well as internationally established artists. Katrin Weber‘s educational background consists of Art History studies in Munich, Germany and Paris, France as well as training in the field of print making. She joined Galerie f5,6 in 2008 and holds the position of the director since the end of 2012. Galerie f5,6 is presenting the project, and therefore all of the photographers chosen for »Guest-Room: Katrin Weber«, in a gallery exhibition in Munich in March and April. In the context of the exhibition at Galerie f5,6, DER GREIF publishes »Guest-Room: Katrin Weber« in printed form.
"Der Löffel raubt den Winterschlaf" exhibition - World in a Room Galerie, Berlin

11 Berliner Fofografinnen haben in Anlehnung an die im Surrealismus entwickelte Methode "Cadavre Exquis" gearbeitet. Ziel war, die Entwicklung einer fotografischen Reihe. Jedem war nur die Arbeit seines Vorgängers bekannt. Darauf aufbauend war eine eigene Arbeit zu entwickeln und diese dann weiterzugeben. Das Ergebnis wird erstmals am 06.03.2015 ab 19.00 Uhr in der Galerie "World in a Room" gezeigt.
"Mein Blick spinnt die Lichtlinien des Hintergunds fort, während die stumme Frau mich ansieht. Er wird durch die Äste in die Wand geführt, zum Fenster hinaus. Gebündelt verwachsen die Zweige mit einem Körper, drahtig, zart vor dem weißen Himmel, in den der Winterbaum greift. Sein Vogelnest steht ausgelagert auf einem Tisch, nebelumrankt wie die verborgene Welt unter der blauen Plane. Die Grabsteine lösen sich auf in ihre Essenz, schweben von ihrer Mitte her in den Raum hinein. Und wieder Äste wie Venen hinter einer kalkweißen Frau, Reminiszenz an den eben verlassenen Ort. Dann wird der Blick zurückgeworfen, die Christstollenbrille lächelt über dem akuraten Schleiergewand. In der Backsteinmauer sein am Saum überschriebener Widerschein, kahler Schnee, weiß wie das Klebeband über den Zwischenräumen aus Haut."
Text: Heide Küsters
Vernissage: 06.03. um 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: 07.03 bis 30.05.
Öffnungszeiten: Fr-Sa 14-18 Uhr
"World in a Room" Galerie
Brunhildenstr.7, 10829
"Terminal" photography contest exhibition - Europäische Monat der Fotografie

"Terminal" Exhibition by PhotoWerkBerlin, part of the European Month of Photography Berlin where 3 pictures of my series "Last Call - Tegel" will be shown in a projection.
vernissage: 16th October, 19h
exhibition from the 16th October till the 30th November at Projektraum PhotoWerkBerlin
Hohenzollerndamm 176
10713 Berlin
opening hours:
tue: 10:00 - 17:00
wed: 10:00 - 19:00
fri: 10:00 - 17:00
sun: 11:00 - 17:00
"Utopia, Insurrection, Traffic Jam" photography contest & exhibition - Europäische Monat der Fotografie

my picture "Fleischwaren" selected for the photography contest "Utopia, Insurrection, Traffic Jam - what have we got to bequeth?", part of the European Month of Photography Berlin
vernissage: 15th October, 20h
finissage: 26th November, 20h
exhibition from the 15th till the 26th November at Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere
Karl-Marx-Allee 87
10243 Berlin
U5 Weberwiese, U5 Strausberger Platz, Bus 142, 347
tel: 030 420 854 60
opening hours:
monday - friday: 11:00 - 20:00
saturday: 11:00 - 18:00