
Every building, absolutely every each of them has a useless side, which doesn’t face the front nor the back. The sidewall (tűzfal in Hungaran). Massive surfaces that divide us and remind us about the traces of time.
This walls are normally not supposed to be seen, they only become visible if the building in between is missing or if it’s not so high as the previous one. They are empty surfaces, which are fulfilling a goal that is not theirs. In this way, sidewalls work as reflections of instability, the lack of resources or just a reminder of what was there and is not there anymore. Spaces that are both offering future possibilities, but at the same time giving the past a stage.
Thinking about the city development of Budapest, this walls got my attention, as you can find a lot of them here. Trying to avoid the already overrepresented touristic centre and contemplating the actual situation of gentrification in all European big cities, I preferred to focus on this gaps in between buildings in the district of Józsefváros and tried to give them a new function. This sidewalls work for me as a projection space in which I play with the forms and graphic elements, mixing them and building up a new landscape of fassades.
Project developed during my Erasmus Semester at MOME- Moholy Nagy University of the Arts in Budapest, under supervision from Gabor Arion Kudasz and with the support of ARTSTRUKTURA Kft.